We recreate each historical bill and check for accuracy. If it’s not accurate we seek a refund from the utility company. This also positions you for future savings. A DropAudit can be performed without ever visiting the property.
If you want an intensive full report DMF does a physical inspection of the property. After an expert inspection is performed, you will receive a report with findings and recommendations for improvements. These findings have ranged from standard leaks to major issues saving associations thousands each month.
Take the first step today
Our Drop Complete service has the proven potential to save your association thousands each year if your property qualifies.
• Free historical audit
• Complimentary inspection of all interior units
• Significant returns immediately
• Increased property value
• Make a positive environmental impact
• Full report + an inspection results, including the location of all leaks, found
• Leak detection software
• Real-time leak text & email alerts
• 98% Entry rate to individual condo units
• Health & Covid safety protocols
• Future real time leak detection monitoring
Your property literally has no financial risk. DMF is only compensated if and only if your property experiences savings.
DMF has successfully achieved savings up to 60% with cost savings of $91,200 a year for some properties. We fix the past, the present and monitor for the future.
We are a purpose driven company with a mission to make a positive impact on the environment.